Brokeree’s Social Trading offers advanced signal-sharing features to meet the unique needs of brokers, signal providers, and traders.
Benefits for Brokers
Configure different trading conditions by segmenting users into::
- Pro and Demo accounts;
- Signal providers and followers;
- Accounts with large or small deposits;
- Accounts using robotic trading or high-risk strategies.
Additional profits for signal providers
Signal providers can maximize their earnings by adjusting fees for their followers. Social Trading offers various fee modes, including registration fees, management fees, performance fees, and platform fees. Brokers have the ability to enable or restrict these fee options for providers.
Investment abilities for traders
Finetune trading strategy with different copying modes:
- Equity;
- Free margin;
- Multiplication copying;
- And more.
Mitigate risks and avoid overexposure through proportional copying, which allows traders to equalize trading risks in smaller amounts when following strategies from providers with larger accounts.